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[Webfundstücke] - Ansichten einer Australierin über Deutschland

Die Australierin Liv Hambrett hat 151 Beobachtungen über Deutschland und die Deutschen aufgeschrieben.
Einfach fabelhaft.
Einfach mal die Zeit nehmen und das durchlesen.
Gibt es wohl auch als Buch.

What I Know About Germans

59. In fact, Germans hate small talk. Words without purpose are wasted words.
99. Germans can’t queue. Full stop, the end. They don’t know how, they have no interest in trying. This is the one time Germans embrace a lack of system and what happens when a queue is called for is the unfortunate culmination of Germanic forcefulness and uncertainty in the face of a system-less world.
110. And Spargel. They love Spargel and anything to do with Spargel, like Spargel peelers and Spargel steamers and Spargel platters. Forget Christmas or Easter or any other notable markers, the German year revolves around Spargelzeit.
150. You will never actually see a German doctor at the appointed time. That famous German punctuality doesn’t exist in medical practices.

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