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[GUIuiui] - Schönheit von Unternehmenssoftware

Auch Software wie für ERP oder CRM kann und muss sogar schön und vor allem nutzbar sein. Eine sehr gute Usability und User Experience sollten inzwischen ein Muss im Bereich der Unternehmenssoftware sein.

Enterprise software begins its beautification, where design was once an afterthought

»Beautiful enterprise software is not the oxymoron it once seemed. While tools such as SharePoint hold market share despite being clunky and obtuse, a startling shift has occurred in the last two years. We are beginning to see the rise of truly usable—and increasingly, beautiful—enterprise software ... If Twitter can be so elegant and simple, why can’t our knowledge management software be equally elegant? ... They expect the same aesthetics and ease of use that they get when using applications and services in their personal life now at work.«

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  (C) copyright: Konrad Mühler - konrad@my-rho.de selbst programmiert