[Webfundstücke] - Weblogtipp - Nothing for UngoodDas ist noch jung, aber ich habe schon den absoluten Weblog-Knallertipp:
Nothing for Ungood
Nothing for Ungood ist ein Weblog eines Amerikaners, der in Deutschland lebt, versucht Deutsch zu lernen und über all die Macken und Merkwürdigkeiten der Deutschen aus Sicht eines Ausländers zu berichten weiß.
Zum Beispiel übers Radfahren:
Germans on the other hand walk out of the door, hop on their bike and ride it somewhere.
The point is, when you are walking in Germany and you notice part of the sidewalk is paved smooth, stay off, or else someone is going to scream at you “Radlweg!†This translates to “Please refrain from walking on the bicycle path.†They are especially angry because they aren’t on their bicycle to enjoy a ride. It’s a cold, drizzly day and your impedance is going to make them late to work. |
Oder über die Bildung von Deutschen Substantiven:
Not so often in every day conversation does the word areola come up, so it is quite likely that you don’t know the German word for it. Deriving the German word is easy, though. Think about what it is. It is essentially an area on the chest where a nipple belongs, sort of a front yard for a breast wart. You got it! Brustwarzenvorhof. |
Dieses Weblog ist ein absoluter Lesebefehl :-) |