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[photo] - kLog-Adventskalender '05 - Tür 4

Martin Waugh fotografiert Tropfen.

Mit Hilfe eines starken, farbigen Blitzes, einer normalen Digital-SRK und viel viel Ãœbung kommt er zu solchen Ergebnissen:

How are the shapes formed?
Most simply, by dropping a drop of liquid, letting it splash, and capturing the crash by stop motion photography. It can be a single drop onto a flat surface or into a pool of liquid, deep or shallow.
Do you have to have a really fast shutter to stop the motion?
No, the shutter is open for 1/60th of a second (a drop could fall three inches in this amount of time.) The key is the flash unit: it needs to generate a very bright burst of light for a very short amount of time (about 1/10,000 of a second). This is central to high-speed photography.
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